Celebrating our Community in Rocky Mount and Franklin County, VA !
Our all volunteer board continues to meet and plan events for the community. We continue to be most pleased, and grateful, for the participants, guests, and sponsors of all our events to celebrate Rocky Mount and Franklin County, our HOME!
We are most pleased with the opening of the Christmas season here in Rocky Mount and Franklin County. The Downtown and Uptown areas of Rocky Mount were simply beautiful!!! The White Lights Campaign was, again, a great success and residents and vistors alike came to enjoy it.
The Community Christmas Tree Lighting: Took place on December 6, 2024 (Friday Evening) on the Franklin County Courthouse Lawn. The Benjamin Franklin Middle School Band performed , Franklin County Parks & Rec announced the Snowman Contest Winners, and Furnace Creek Baptist Church served delicious hot chocolate and cookies.
Come Home to a Franklin County Christmas: Took place on December 7, 2024 (Saturday Evening) in Downtown Rocky Mount. "The Voice of Christmas" by Franklin Heights Church was at The Harvester; Raise the Barre Dancers were in mid-town; the Franklin County Community Chorus opened at The Farmers Market, followed by Abilgail Wall, then Raistlin Brabson & Up Jumped Trouble. The North Pole, with Santa Claus, was at The Depot. The "Biggest Little Parade" opened with Chief Young bringing in Santa and Ms. Claus and a train coming thru town filled with kids from Ridgeview Church in Boones Mill and the Franklin County Beauty Queens came in a vintage pick-up truck!!! And, Maynor Street was a hugh success---the lights are outstanding and visitors linned up to sit in Santa's Sled to have photos taken. And, Franklin Street was filled with vendors!!!
We are so grateful for the full support of our Town Police Department and our Town Public Works Department. Without their help and support, this event could not happen. Thank you all!!!
We are so grateful for the following sponsors for 2024: Carter Bank & Trust, Carilion Franklin Memorial Hospital, Town of Rocky Mount, Franklin County, Davis Heating & Plumbing, B99.9, Franklin County Parks & Rec, TNT Auto Body Repair, Flora Funeral Home, Haywoods Jewelers, Edward Jones - Zach Wimmer, Linda's Beauty Shop and Pearle's Thimble.